Tuesday, June 5, 2018

End of the Year

Wow!! We can't believe the end of the year is here already! 👀  The second half of the year ended up being just as busy as the first. Time flies when you're having fun, right? 

So, let's wrap up our first year in an Active Learning Classroom with a few highlights: 

  • Presented at the Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics (VCTM) and a tri-district STEM Summit. This summer we will also present at the Virginia School Boards Association (VSBA) Conference on Education
  • Attended the Steelcase Symposium in Michigan. This summer we will also attend the Virginia Middle and High School Principals Conference and Exposition (VASSP)
  • Held several professional training sessions on active learning strategies. 
  • Hosted several guests in our room from within the county and state.
  • MOST importantly, we had a great group of kids that we were able to connect with and grow!
This year was such a huge learning experience. Just when we thought we couldn't possibly take on one more thing, we did and we rocked it! We can't lie, there were times when stress levels were at an all-time high and it felt like we spent 80 hours a week at work. In the end, it was all worth it. We've grown more as teachers and professionals this year than any other year. We stepped outside of our comfort zone and tried something new. And it was a great success. Our students learned AND they were happy & safe! We feel like we were really able to connect and form lifelong relationships with our students. We are so excited to loop with our 7th graders next year. 

Thank you again Steelcase and Creative Office Environments! We can't wait to see what next year holds! 

Don't forget to check us out on Twitter Image result for twitter iconand Instagram  Image result for instagram iconfor summer updates.